1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 Now the earth was unformed and void, and
darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God hovered over
the face of the waters.
And God said: 'Let there be light.' And there was light.
And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the
And God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. And there was
evening and there was morning, one day.
And God said: 'Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let
it divide the waters from the waters.'
And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the
firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; and it was so.
And God called the firmament Heaven. And there was evening and there was
morning, a second day.
And God said: 'Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one
place, and let the dry land appear.' And it was so.
And God called the dry land Earth, and the gathering together of the waters
called He Seas; and God saw that it was good.
And God said: 'Let the earth put forth grass, herb yielding seed, and
fruit-tree bearing fruit after its kind, wherein is the seed thereof, upon
the earth.' And it was so.
And the earth brought forth grass, herb yielding seed after its kind, and
tree bearing fruit, wherein is the seed thereof, after its kind; and God saw
that it was good.
And there was evening and there was morning, a third day.
And God said: 'Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide
the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for
days and years;
and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon
the earth.' And it was so.
And God made the two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the
lesser light to rule the night; and the stars.
And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,
and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the
darkness; and God saw that it was good.
And there was evening and there was morning, a fourth day.
And God said: 'Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures, and let
fowl fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.'
And God created the great sea-monsters, and every living creature that
creepeth, wherewith the waters swarmed, after its kind, and every winged fowl
after its kind; and God saw that it was good.
And God blessed them, saying: 'Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters
in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.'
And there was evening and there was morning, a fifth day.
And God said: 'Let the earth bring forth the living creature after its kind,
cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after its kind.' And it
was so.
And God made the beast of the earth after its kind, and the cattle after
their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the ground after its kind; and
God saw that it was good.
And God said: 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them
have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and
over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that
creepeth upon the earth.'
And God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him;
male and female created He them.
And God blessed them; and God said unto them: 'Be fruitful, and multiply, and
replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the
sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that creepeth
upon the earth.'
29 And
God said: 'Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed, which is upon
the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree
yielding seed - to you it shall be for food;
and to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every
thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is a living soul, I have
given every green herb for food.' And it was so.
And God saw every thing that He had made, and, behold, it was very good. And
there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.
Hebrew Transliteration
[בראשית] Bereshit 1
1 be·re·shit ba·ra e·lo·him et
ha·sha·ma·yim ve·'et ha·'a·retz. 2 ve·ha·'a·retz ha·ye·tah to·hu va·vo·hu
ve·cho·shech al-pe·nei te·ho·vm ve·ru·ach e·lo·him me·ra·che·fet al-pe·nei
ham·ma·yim. 3 vai·yo·mer e·lo·him ye·hi o·vr vay·hi-o·vr. 4 vai·yar· e·lo·him
et-ha·'o·vr ki-to·vv vai·yav·del e·lo·him
bein ha·'o·vr u·vein ha·cho·shech. 5 vai·yik·ra e·lo·him la·'o·vr yo·vm
ve·la·cho·shech ka·ra la·ye·lah vay·hi-e·rev vay·hi-vo·ker yo·vm e·chad. f
6 vai·yo·mer e·lo·him ye·hi ra·ki·a'
be·to·vch ham·ma·yim vi·hi mav·dil bein ma·yim la·ma·yim. 7 vai·ya·'as
e·lo·him et-ha·ra·ki·a' vai·yav·del bein ham·ma·yim a·sher mit·ta·chat
la·ra·ki·a' u·vein ham·ma·yim a·sher me·'al la·ra·ki·a' vay·hi-chen. 8
vai·yik·ra e·lo·him la·ra·ki·a' sha·ma·yim vay·hi-e·rev vay·hi-vo·ker yo·vm
she·ni. f
9 vai·yo·mer e·lo·him yik·ka·vu ham·ma·yim
mit·ta·chat ha·sha·ma·yim el-ma·ko·vm e·chad ve·te·ra·'eh hai·yab·ba·shah
vay·hi-chen. 10 vai·yik·ra e·lo·him lai·yab·ba·shah e·retz u·le·mik·veh
ham·ma·yim ka·ra yam·mim vai·yar· e·lo·him
ki-to·vv. 11 vai·yo·mer e·lo·him tad·she
ha·'a·retz de·she e·sev maz·ri·a' ze·ra etz pe·ri o·seh pe·ri le·mi·nov
a·sher zar·'ov-vov al-ha·'a·retz vay·hi-chen. 12 vat·to·v·tze ha·'a·retz
de·she e·sev maz·ri·a' ze·ra le·mi·ne·hu ve·'etz o·seh-pe·ri* a·sher zar·'ov-vov
le·mi·ne·hu vai·yar· e·lo·him ki-to·vv. 13 vay·hi-e·rev vay·hi-vo·ker yo·vm
she·li·shi. f
14 vai·yo·mer e·lo·him ye·hi me·'o·rot
bir·ki·a' ha·sha·ma·yim le·hav·dil bein hai·yo·vm u·vein hal·la·ye·lah
ve·hai·u le·'o·tot u·le·mo·v·'a·dim u·le·ya·mim ve·sha·nim. 15 ve·hai·u
lim·'o·v·rot bir·ki·a' ha·sha·ma·yim le·ha·'ir al-ha·'a·retz
vay·hi-chen. 16 vai·ya·'as e·lo·him
et-she·nei ham·me·'o·rot hag·ge·do·lim et-ham·ma·'o·vr hag·ga·dol
le·mem·she·let hai·yo·vm
ve·'et-ham·ma·'o·vr hak·ka·ton le·mem·she·let
hal·lay·lah ve·'et hak·ko·v·cha·vim. 17 vai·yit·ten o·tam e·lo·him bir·ki·a'
ha·sha·ma·yim le·ha·'ir
al-ha·'a·retz. 18 ve·lim·shol bai·yo·vm
u·val·lay·lah u·la·hav·dil bein ha·'o·vr u·vein ha·cho·shech vai·yar·
e·lo·him ki-to·vv. 19 vay·hi-e·rev vay·hi-vo·ker yo·vm re·vi·'i. f
20 vai·yo·mer e·lo·him yish·re·tzu
ham·ma·yim she·retz ne·fesh chai·yah ve·'o·vf ye·'o·v·fef
al-ha·'a·retz al-pe·nei re·ki·a'
ha·sha·ma·yim. 21 vai·yiv·ra e·lo·him et-hat·tan·ni·nim hag·ge·do·lim ve·'et
kol-ne·fesh ha·chai·yah ha·ro·me·set a·sher sha·re·tzu ham·ma·yim
le·mi·ne·hem ve·'et kol-o·vf ka·naf le·mi·ne·hu vai·yar· e·lo·him ki-to·vv.
22 vay·va·rech o·tam e·lo·him le·mor pe·ru u·re·vu u·mil·'u et-ham·ma·yim
bai·yam·mim ve·ha·'o·vf yi·rev ba·'a·retz. 23 vay·hi-e·rev vay·hi-vo·ker
yo·vm cha·mi·shi. f
24 vai·yo·mer e·lo·him to·v·tze ha·'a·retz
ne·fesh chai·yah le·mi·nah be·he·mah va·re·mes
ve·chay·tov-e·retz le·mi·nah vay·hi-chen.
25 vai·ya·'as e·lo·him et-chai·yat ha·'a·retz le·mi·nah ve·'et-hab·be·he·mah
le·mi·nah ve·'et kol-re·mes ha·'a·da·mah le·mi·ne·hu vai·yar· e·lo·him
26 vai·yo·mer e·lo·him na·'a·seh a·dam
be·tzal·me·nu kid·mu·te·nu ve·yir·du vid·gat hai·yam u·ve·'o·vf ha·sha·ma·yim
u·vab·be·he·mah u·ve·chol-ha·'a·retz u·ve·chol-ha·re·mes ha·ro·mes al-ha·'a·retz.
27 vai·yiv·ra e·lo·him et-ha·'a·dam be·tzal·mov be·tze·lem e·lo·him ba·ra
o·tov za·char u·ne·ke·vah ba·ra o·tam. 28 vay·va·rech o·tam e·lo·him
vai·yo·mer la·hem e·lo·him pe·ru u·re·vu u·mil·'u
et-ha·'a·retz ve·chiv·shu·ha u·re·du
bid·gat hai·yam u·ve·'o·vf ha·sha·ma·yim u·ve·chol-chai·yah ha·ro·me·set
al-ha·'a·retz. 29 vai·yo·mer e·lo·him hin·neh na·tat·ti la·chem et-kol-e·sev
zo·re·a' ze·ra a·sher al-pe·nei chol-ha·'a·retz ve·'et-kol-ha·'etz a·sher-bov
fe·ri-etz zo·re·a' za·ra la·chem yih·yeh le·'a·che·lah. 30 u·le·chol-chai·yat
u·le·chol-o·vf ha·sha·ma·yim u·le·chol
al-ha·'a·retz a·sher-bov ne·fesh chai·yah
et-kol-ye·rek e·sev le·'a·che·lah vay·hi-chen. 31 vai·yar· e·lo·him
et-kol-a·sher a·sah ve·hin·neh-to·vv me·'od
vay·hi-e·rev vay·hi-vo·ker yo·vm
ha·shi·shi. f
Greek Transliteration
[ΓΕΝΕΣΙΣ] Genesis 1
1 en archē epoiēsen o theos ton ouranon kai
tēn gēn 2 ē de gē ēn aoratos kai akataskeuastos kai skotos epanō tēs abussou
kai pneuma theou epephereto epanō tou udatos 3 kai eipen o theos genēthētō
phōs kai egeneto phōs 4 kai eiden o theos to phōs oti kalon kai diechōrisen o
theos ana meson tou phōtos kai ana meson tou skotous 5 kai ekalesen o theos
to phōs ēmeran kai to skotos ekalesen nukta kai egeneto espera kai egeneto
prōi ēmera mia 6 kai eipen o theos genēthētō stereōma en mesō tou udatos kai
estō diachōrizon ana meson udatos kai udatos kai egeneto outōs 7 kai epoiēsen
o theos to stereōma kai diechōrisen o theos ana meson tou udatos o ēn upokatō
tou stereōmatos kai ana meson tou udatos tou epanō tou stereōmatos 8 kai
ekalesen o theos to stereōma ouranon kai eiden o theos oti kalon kai egeneto
espera kai egeneto prōi ēmera deutera
9 kai eipen o theos sunachthētō to udōr to
upokatō tou ouranou eis sunagōgēn mian kai ophthētō ē ξēra kai egeneto outōs
kai sunēchthē to udōr to upokatō tou ouranou eis tas sunagōgas autōn kai
ōphthē ē ξēra 10 kai ekalesen o theos tēn ξēran gēn kai ta sustēmata tōn
udatōn ekalesen thalassas kai eiden o theos oti kalon 11 kai eipen o theos
blastēsatō ē gē botanēn chortou speiron sperma kata genos kai kath' omoiotēta
kai ξulon karpimon poioun karpon ou to sperma autou en autō kata genos epi
tēs gēs kai egeneto outōs 12 kai eξēnegken ē gē botanēn chortou speiron
sperma kata genos kai kath' omoiotēta kai ξulon karpimon poioun karpon ou to
sperma autou en autō kata genos epi tēs gēs kai eiden o theos oti kalon 13
kai egeneto espera kai egeneto prōi ēmera tritē
14 kai eipen o theos genēthētōsan phōstēres
en tō stereōmati tou ouranou eis phausin tēs gēs tou diachōrizein ana meson
tēs ēmeras kai ana meson tēs nuktos kai estōsan eis sēmeia kai eis kairous
kai eis ēmeras kai eis eniautous 15 kai estōsan eis phausin en tō stereōmati
tou ouranou ōste phainein epi tēs gēs kai egeneto outōs 16 kai epoiēsen o
theos tous duo phōstēras tous megalous ton phōstēra ton megan eis archas tēs
ēmeras kai ton phōstēra ton elassō eis archas tēs nuktos kai tous asteras 17
kai etheto autous o theos en tō stereōmati tou ouranou ōste phainein epi tēs
gēs 18 kai archein tēs ēmeras kai tēs nuktos kai diachōrizein ana meson tou
phōtos kai ana meson tou skotous kai eiden o theos oti kalon 19 kai egeneto
espera kai egeneto prōi ēmera tetartē
20 kai eipen o theos eξagagetō ta udata
erpeta psuchōn zōsōn kai peteina petomena epi tēs gēs kata to stereōma tou
ouranou kai egeneto outōs 21 kai epoiēsen o theos ta kētē ta megala kai pasan
psuchēn zōōn erpetōn a eξēgagen ta udata kata genē autōn kai pan peteinon
pterōton kata genos kai eiden o theos oti kala 22 kai ēulogēsen auta o theos
legōn auξanesthe kai plēthunesthe kai plērōsate ta udata en tais thalassais
kai ta peteina plēthunesthōsan epi tēs gēs 23 kai egeneto espera kai egeneto
prōi ēmera pemptē
24 kai eipen o theos eξagagetō ē gē psuchēn
zōsan kata genos tetrapoda kai erpeta kai thēria tēs gēs kata genos kai
egeneto outōs 25 kai epoiēsen o theos ta thēria tēs gēs kata genos kai ta
ktēnē kata genos kai panta ta erpeta tēs gēs kata genos autōn kai eiden o
theos oti kala
26 kai eipen o theos poiēsōmen anthrōpon
kat' eikona ēmeteran kai kath' omoiōsin kai archetōsan tōn ichthuōn tēs
thalassēs kai tōn peteinōn tou ouranou kai tōn ktēnōn kai pasēs tēs gēs kai
pantōn tōn erpetōn tōn erpontōn epi tēs gēs 27 kai epoiēsen o theos ton
anthrōpon kat' eikona theou epoiēsen auton arsen kai thēlu epoiēsen autous 28
kai ēulogēsen autous o theos legōn auξanesthe kai plēthunesthe kai plērōsate
tēn gēn kai katakurieusate autēs kai archete tōn ichthuōn tēs thalassēs kai
tōn peteinōn tou ouranou kai pantōn tōn ktēnōn kai pasēs tēs gēs kai pantōn
tōn erpetōn tōn erpontōn epi tēs gēs 29 kai eipen o theos idou dedōka umin
pan chorton sporimon speiron sperma o estin epanō pasēs tēs gēs kai pan ξulon
o echei en eautō karpon spermatos sporimou umin estai eis brōsin 30 kai pasi
tois thēriois tēs gēs kai pasi tois peteinois tou ouranou kai panti erpetō tō
erponti epi tēs gēs o echei en eautō psuchēn zōēs panta chorton chlōron eis
brōsin kai egeneto outōs 31 kai eiden o theos ta panta osa epoiēsen kai idou
kala lian kai egeneto espera kai egeneto prōi ēmera ektē
Genesis 1
[בראשית] Bereshit
[ΓΕΝΕΣΙΣ] Genesis